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Thank you for the shelter @badgalriri

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Influence is a natural by-product of your spirit, for 14 years you have refined me

Saw you first on a chunky screen, of my fully formed being, that would be the racine

In the crevice of a motel room we locked eyes as the rain engulfed you; I was gifted a new lens to look through

Re-evaluating what was being served to me, you introduced me to the concept of degree

7 formative trips round the sun I had seen; this was the most profound epiphany I would ever glean

A gateway drug is your incandescent presence, it led to my greatest natural high, a confidence and power coalescence

Ownership in our dynamism was something bereft, I cannot imagine the cultural tapestry without your rich stitching, we are the sum of your artistry RRF

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